2011 Nov 22 6:34 PM
I want a user exit for Releasing the Outsorted Invoice Document in EA05.
I need to put a Validation for the Posting Date and the Document Date which are showed as a Pop-up after Release Document is Clicked.
How do I find out a user exit for this requirement?
2011 Nov 22 10:08 PM
You can activate/use the event R437 and validate the variable SY-TCODE = 'EA05'.
David Ampuero
2011 Nov 24 1:45 AM
Check event R501. For your information below events are called on releasing print document:
2011 Nov 24 10:47 AM
Hi thanks for your help.
But I need the event after the Pop-up appears and before the Releasing of Invoice Document.
I tried in debugging mode but wasnt able to find out after which event the Invoice Document gets released.
2011 Nov 25 11:51 AM
This is a list of user exit for EA05. Check if u can find somethig useful.
EBIA0001 IS-U: User-Defined Fields in Billing Document
EBIA0002 IS-U: proration according to customer-specific dates
EBIA0003 IS-U: customer-defined checks in billing and overall check
EBIA0004 IS-U: Customer Exit for Ext. Calculation of Compressibility
EBIA0005 IS-U: Termination control of mass runs
EBIA0006 IS-U: period control - determin. of time portions in billing
EBIA0007 IS-U: customer-defined activities in billing reversal
EBIA0008 IS-U: customer-defined activities in billing reversal update
EBIA0009 IS-U: adjustment for move-in/out: to the day/month-based
EBIA0011 IS-U: Billing update
EBIA0012 IS-U: Fill Customer Data in OBJ billing object
EBIA0013 IS-U: Customer Checks in Billing Selection
EBIA0014 IS-U: Filling Customer-Specific Fields in Manual Billing
EBIA0016 IS-U: Determination of Billing Calorific Value
EBIA0017 IS-U: Individual Document Display
EBIA0018 IS-U: Customer conditions for backbilling line summary
EBIA0019 IS-U: Customer-Specific Invoice Comparison
EBIA0020 IS-U: Change Current Period for Dynamic Period Control
EBIA0021 IS-U: Change Billing Period for Dynamic Period Control
EBIA0022 IS-U: Change contract sequence for billing
EBIA0023 IS-U: Validations for Facts
EBIA0024 IS-U: Enhancement for Determination of Special Oper. Values
EBIA0025 IS-U: Determ. of Alternative Weighting for Measured Qtys
EBIA0026 IS-U: Postprocessing of Gas Factors
EBIA0027 IS-U: Enhancement Authority Check of Facts
EBIA0028 IS-U: Enter/Save Customer Facts in Billing Object
EBIA0029 IS-U: Permit Multiple Adjustment Reversal
EBIC0001 IS-U: Determine Evaluation Group for Consumption History
EBIS0001 IS-U: user exit for external prices (EBL)
EBIS0002 IS-U: Enhancement for rate type and rate fact group
EBIS0003 IS-U: reference values - integration of user-defined fields
EBIS0004 IS-U: front office output of historical consumption values
EBIS0005 User exit for transferring installation facts
EBIS0006 IS-U: Rate Category - Subscreen Inclusion and Field Check
EBIS0007 IS-U: User-Exit for Checking Prices
EBIS0008 IS-U: User-Exit for Checking Level of Calorific Value
EBIS0009 IS-U: Enhancement for displaying the currency in the facts
EBIS0010 IS-U: Enhancement for User-Defined Transport Control
EBIA0015 IS-U: Backbilling Customer Exit