2016 Jul 19 7:02 AM
What is the use of the REGISTERS which are not relevant for billings?
2016 Jul 19 10:26 AM
Hi Prince,
Let me give you a standard example.
There is a device known as corrector which is commonly used by Gas Utilities.
It has capabilities to capture two kinds of readings.
1. Corrected (which automatically take temperature and pressure adjustment into account).
2. Uncorrected (which will just capture the reading and adjustment for temp. and pressure is done in the system.)
Only one of them can be made billable but it is a good idea to capture both of them and compare any difference between the two. (To validate accuracy of reading)
This is one scenario where I would use two registers and mark one of the registers not relevant for billing.
Again, there can be many such scenarios.
Hope this helps.
Monis Shakeel