2012 Oct 18 10:46 AM
Hello Dear Experts,
Trying to change a Transformer Group (CT & PT separately) into a CT-PT Set for a Business Partner.
The CT/PT set is technically installed.
While doing device allocation in EG72 getting the below error.
""specified billing factor not equal to calculated billing factor (1.00000)""
Request you to help me out.
2012 Oct 18 10:56 AM
Hi Sachin,
Is your meter - indirect measured meter? Is it installed?
What is the CT/PT ratio?
2012 Oct 18 11:06 AM
Hello Avinash,
Meter is installed with a CT/PT seperate combination.
Now we want to change it to CT/PT set.
The new CT/PT set is a Combination transformer (current and voltage) of type-3
The current transformation ratio is 100.
OLD CT/PT (seperate) trans ratio was 200.
The new billing factor is 1, old was 2.
We want the new billing fator to be 1 only.
But getting the error as mentioned above.
2012 Oct 18 11:11 AM
Hi Sachin,
Looks like you are trying to overwrite the billing factor manually. We get such error message when calculated billing factor is not equal to manually entered billing factor.
You need to reverse meter install and then reverse CT/PT install. then delete the CT/PT group and create new group. then install them back.
2012 Oct 18 11:21 AM
Hello Avinash,
I am not trying to enter billing factor manually,
The new billing factor is 1 itself, and we want to have it 1.
I have installed new ct/pt set technically, I am doing standard EG72 steps, no manual force entry for billing factor.
now while dev allocation EG72 steps I am getting the error.
The meter measurement type is BLANK for old and new meter.
2012 Oct 18 11:32 AM
Hi Sachin,
Meter measurement type should be either 1,2 or 3. This is maintained at device category level.
2012 Oct 18 11:48 AM
Hello Avinash,
The "measurement type" field is actually displayed/written as "Transformer Type" on SAP screen.
as you mentioned then it should be rather 3 ( combination transformer- current and voltage)
2012 Oct 18 12:11 PM
Hi Sachin,
Please check the measurement type at corresponding device category. Measure type field is not visible at device level (IQ03).
2012 Oct 18 1:11 PM
Hi Avinash,
Thanks for contribution.
I checked the measurement type is Indirect in dev category.
The scenario is there is a CT/PT group installed for a meter.
Now we want to change the meter and also chnage the CT/PT group with new CT/PT set ( not CT/PT group).
Can you please tell me what would be the steps-
we have removed the odle meter and installed new with 'Full Replacement".
Thanks for your replies.
2012 Oct 18 5:22 PM
Hi Sachin,
What do you mean by new CT/PT set? I am not able to follow.
If possible, please give an example for better understanding.