2013 Apr 10 9:28 AM
I have a problem uploading MR result without meter reading orders with 'BAPI_MTRREADDOC_UPLOAD' with MR reason '01' - periodic meter reading.
The same procedure can be done without problem through EL28 (Execute single entry) with input values:
Device: xxxxxxx
MR type: 29
Scheduled MRD: last day of previous month
MR reason: 01
BAPI is filled only with table METERREADINGRESULTS:
SERIALNO = xxxxxxxx
BAPI returns only one record with info message EL 393: '0 of 1 reading uploaded successfully'.
No other error message is returned to get hint what is wrong.
BAPI made successfully upload if field MRREASON is empty or '09'.
If MRREASON is empty, value '09' is also filled automatically.
Indicator UPLOAD_FLAG in table TE609 is set to 'X' for reason 01.
I've seen a lot of notes concerning issues with BAPI_MTRREADDOC_UPLOAD, but could not find the right solution.
Another observation:
if I first execute single entry in EL28 (with MR reason 01), then BAPI can successfully upload MR result for the same day.
Any hints, what could be wrong, would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
2013 Apr 10 2:43 PM
2013 May 07 5:53 AM
Reading reason 01 - periodic meter reading requires that the schedule record exists for the date you are creating the reading result for.
For your master data in menu SISU
Assuming the schedule records are non-dynamic IE
TE420-TS_DYN = ' ' at the portion
Utilities Industry --> Scheduling --> Schedule Record
Transaction EA43 to generate for the date range required.
Assuming the schedule records are dynamic
TE420-TS_DYN = '1' or '2' at the portion
Utilities Industry --> Scheduling --> Dynamic Schedule Record
Transaction E1DY to generate for the date range & factory calendar required.