2012 Oct 15 5:26 AM
I am using ISU_S_DISCDOC_CHANGE to create a disconnection entry (for an existing disconnection document with reference to a Disconnection order entry in the disc doc). The requirement is to upload MR against the disconnection entry created in the step before. For achieving this I am using BAPI_MTRREADDOC_UPLOAD in background. The FM works correctly and uploads the Meter reading when we pass an actual meter reading to the BAPI.
However in case we do not have an actual Meter Reading the requirement is to estimate the Meter Reading via MR note. In this scenario the BAPI uploads the MR note successfully but does not estimate the Reading(In SPRO the action for MR note is Estimate, so configuration is not the issue.) .
Please suggest if there is any alternate FM to do the same.
2012 Oct 17 5:33 AM
Hi Anand,
Please confirm that you are leaving meter reading blank and not entering read as zero (0). READINGRESULT is Char32 which needs to be cleared before we pass it function module - BAPI_MTRREADDOC_UPLOAD.
2012 Oct 19 5:14 AM
Hi Anand,
Pass the following while using BAPI ins structure METERREADINGRESULTS
MATERIAL | Pass Appropriately |
SERIALNO | Pass Appropriately |
REGISTER | Pass Appropriately |
MRDATEFORBILLING | Disconnection Date |
ACTUALMRDATE | Disconnection Date |
TARGETMRDATE | Disconnection Date |
This work fime with input passed to BAPI,
Assuming all the config related to estimation/Meter Reader Note are in place.
Thanks and Regards,
Ranjit Thakur.
2012 Oct 25 12:23 AM
Hi Ranjit,
Thanks !.Its working correctly now. I was using the results update structure earlier for estimation via MR note as well.