2015 Jun 23 11:19 AM
Hi All,
i want to create a program to upload data in SAP from legacy system to create service frequency using tcode CIC0.
Can you please suggest some function module or BAPI for the same or other tool by which I can achieve the same.
Please find below the file format to upload.
Legacy No |
Business Partner |
Collection Contract |
Quantity |
Unit of Measure |
Container serial number |
Nature of Service |
Valid from |
Valid to |
Frequency |
Weekly Frequency |
Days in Week |
Monthly Frequency |
Day in Month |
Days in month |
Container Serial No |
Route No |
Sequence |
2015 Jun 25 10:07 AM
Hi Makarand,
have you tried the Legacy System Migration Workbench (Transaction LSMW)?