2016 Aug 31 5:39 PM
We have instances in our system where DFKKOP-ABWBL is getting populated with OPBEL (somehow). This is causing problem while transferring the related document to some other contract account.
We are now thinking of creating a report which would update DFKKOP-ABWBL for us. However, we cannt find a suitable BAPI/FM for this purpose. Does anyone have any previous experience on updating this field? Our last option would be to use UPDATE statement for this purpose.
Any help would be appreciated!
2016 Aug 31 5:57 PM
Clarification : Subst document number gets cleared upon installment plan deactivation , in certain cases even when installment plan gets deactivated, this field doesnt get cleared... which is causing a problem ..
2016 Aug 31 6:30 PM
Then you should investigate the original problem - and maybe create an incident for support. Updating the field is not the right solution, and can backfire. There is no expectation of updating this field outside of the installment plan and collective billing transactions.
2016 Sep 01 8:51 AM
Hi Ankit,
Can you check if you are creating bundled items in your SAP System.
When you create Bundled items, a new document gets created and it updates the DFKKOP-ABWBL of the documents for which the bundling has been performed with a document category 'S'.
The bundled items get posted with an origin key 48.
Hope it helps