2011 Aug 10 12:45 PM
I have requirement where I want to update dunning lock expiry date to today's date in the program. Does anybody have idea about FM or BAPI for that.
I have actually used FKK_S_LOCK_DELETE but here i dont want to delete it directly. I have checked other FMs in function group FKLOCK but couldn't find any suitable.
Thanks in advance,
2011 Aug 10 1:48 PM
Hi Murtuza,
You can use function module BAPI_ISUACCOUNT_CHANGE.
Pass dunning lock details in parameter TCTRACLOCKDETAIL. This function module only create and delete locks.
So, you need to pass existing lock details (from table DFKKLOCKS) with PROCESSING_MODE = 04 (delete) and append another value with changed expiry date with PROCESSING_MODE = 01 (Create).
This will also help in maintain lock history too.
Hope this helps.
2011 Aug 10 1:48 PM
Hi Murtuza,
You can use function module BAPI_ISUACCOUNT_CHANGE.
Pass dunning lock details in parameter TCTRACLOCKDETAIL. This function module only create and delete locks.
So, you need to pass existing lock details (from table DFKKLOCKS) with PROCESSING_MODE = 04 (delete) and append another value with changed expiry date with PROCESSING_MODE = 01 (Create).
This will also help in maintain lock history too.
Hope this helps.
2011 Aug 11 12:04 PM
Thanks Avinash for reply.
Other than this BAPI, I got FKK_CRM_LOCKS_MODIFY for above requirement which is also working correctly.