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Update Register Group of a device with Rate Type and Fact Group (Single FM)

Former Member
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Hi Experts,

I have a requirement to update the Register Group of an installed device. The new Register Group has more number of registers than the earlier one.

So, while updating the Register Group (EG41), I have to update the Rate Type and Fact Group of the Registers in the new Register Group.

To update the Register Group I have the FM ISU_S_DEVICEMOD_CHANGE but this FM does not have Rate Type or Fact Group fields in the parameters.

I tried debugging EG41 transaction and found an FM ISU_O_DEVICEMOD_ACTION that creates new Logical Register Numbers at runtime for the new created Register as per the new Register Group. The logic that this FM is using is quite complicated and I am not sure whether using the same logic is safe or not.

I digged so many threads but didnt find the way to update Register Group along with Rate Type and Fact group through a single FM.

Please help, Moderator note - comment removed due to violation



Message was edited by: William Eastman


Former Member
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Alternatively, once you updated the Register Group using that function, you could use functions ISU_S_DEVICERATE_PROVIDE and ISU_S_DEVICERATE_CHANGE to get and change the Rate Type and Fact Group of the relevant Installation.

A word of warning as always: These functions like the ones in your message are not released by SAP, so be careful when you use them!

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But at the time of changing the Register Group, it asks for the Rate Type and Fact Group of the new Registers. Without passing them I am not able to proceed.

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Quick trick is to make all your new registers non-billable in device modification. After register group change, you can call FM ISU_S_DEVICERATE_CHANGE to update the correct rate types.