2010 Nov 04 9:16 AM
Hi everybody,
I have an issue reagardig diconnection document update. For instance if i make a device removal EG32 in a disconnected installation, the status of the disconnection document it is update with status 24 or 27.
So far so good, but if i make the reversal of the demounted device with EG53, the status of the disconection document remains 24 or 27 (no update to 21).
This is no good for the next steps in reconnection, because the device shows like iti is demounted, but in fact it is installed.
Please, a solution,
Thank you,
2010 Nov 04 3:47 PM
You should try to use transaction EG50 instead..
I hope this is helpful.
2010 Nov 04 7:56 PM
Hi Olivia,
Thank you for your reply, but this is not a solution, because the users uses EG53 for a year, and by the way EG50 doesn`t work - The status of the device doesn`t allow it.
The scenario it is like this:
1. He use EG32 to demount a meter - this will change the status of the disc, document to 27.
2. He use EG53 to reverse the demounted meter - this it is not related to the disc doc to change it to 21.
This is my problem because the disc document after EG53 remains in status 27.
And if we look at the device this is installed.
Thank you,