2015 Feb 24 5:36 PM
I want to update end date of a document level lock (clearing lock). I do not want to delete the lock so can't use FKK_S_LOCK_DELETE. I couldnt find any BAPI for the same .
Any help would be appreciated!
2015 Feb 25 1:33 PM
Hello Ankit
please try the internal function FKK_DOCUMENT_CHANGE_LOCKS or BAPI BAPI_CTRACDOCUMENT_CHANGE (table POSITIONLOCKS) to change locks of contract account documents.
2015 Feb 25 3:08 PM
Thanks for your input . However i think FM - BAPI_CTRACDOCUMENT_CHANGE doesnt allow me to set lock dates in the past . It calls function module FKK_DOCUMENT_CHANGE_LOCKS in such a way that locks cannot be set with a 'To_DATE' in the past .
I will try to use FKK_DOCUMENT_CHANGE_LOCKS directly to change the lock end date.
2015 Feb 26 6:41 AM
Why do you want to change the lock end date in the past? Normally you change lock dates from today until today or later.