2016 Mar 14 3:27 PM
At our company, we run unbilled revenue parallel processing job at the end of the every month on the first day of the new month in the nightly batch. We are facing an issue with the long runtime of this report. We have around 3 million customers to calculate the unbilled revenue on. We are hard pressed to run report on the first work day of the new month as the tarrif prices change on the new month and we would like the unbilled report to be based on the new price. My question is: has anyone faced similar issues with the run time of the unbilled revenue report. If so, how have you tackled it. We also tried running the report by portions like 10 portions at a time for the first work day of the new month and then 10 portions on the second work day of the month. However each run is taking about 6 hrs in the nightly batch, which is the cause of concern for us. Please shed some light on how the unbilled revenue report mass activity is executed in your company.
2016 Mar 14 5:40 PM
Hi Yuvi,
There are many factors which affects the performance of Unbilled Revenue Reporting.
One of the main thing to check is the settings used on 'Simulation Type' where do you post the simulation data in for analysis and evaluation? like:
Please check your Simulation Type settings under spro->SAP Utilities->Contract Billing->Integration Reporting->Integration Mass Simulation->Define Simulation Types:
A) Here you check whether you have checked the 'Save Simulation Document' indicator if so then you are saving all the Simulated Billing Documents which are being created in each run.
B) Then [optional] check for 'Ignore Implausible Meter Reading Results'.
C) Check for the right Data Sources being used for BW - 0UC_SALES_SIMU_01 or 0UC_SALES_SIMU_02? I am not sure which one has improved performance.
D) Check for any custom code during your extraction?
Then next step is to check your individual Simulation Period ID:
A) Check for the Sim start and end dates - ideally it should be a month - but it depends on your business process as well
Also, check whether you have any custom fqevents for mass processing from EAMS01
Then potentially deleting your old Simulation indexes from EAMS13 - with the indicator Delete Simulation Document may help in improving performance - but I am not sure about thi s100% 😞
In worst case put performance trace ON (ST05) and find out the area which takes longer time!
Hope these will help you in investigating in right direction.
Apologies for this long explanation.