2010 Jun 25 3:01 PM
I'm trying to write off items from Collection Agency using FP03F. The process works fine with posting payments but I'm not able to write-off items. I'm creating a test file manually with the correct format but items of TRATYP = 2 are not being read correctly. Is there anything that I missed?
Anyone has aver used this successfully?
Thanks a million in advance.
2010 Jun 25 5:19 PM
2010 Jul 01 9:35 AM
Thanks Olivia for suggestion. I'll implement this note and see if it fixes my issue.
I see another problem in the log of payments: the amount shown is artificially multiplied by 100. Have you had something like that?
2010 Jul 05 10:41 AM
Hello again.
Applying the note didn't change the problem. I still get errors message 3>430 (something on the calculated total) and 3>801 (something "No business partner items for charging off exist") and no write-off is made. Both errors are on field NINKB.
My test file contains a single line with a BP and a document number. The total in the file is the total open amount on that document...
Thanks a million for your help.
2010 Jul 06 4:25 PM