2022 Dec 22 9:43 PM
When a new operand is added for the REFVAL06 variant in the middle of period i.e.., if the Billing period is from 10th December to 10th January and the operand is added on 25th of December, the operand is not prorated. It starts billing only in the new period. I have tried different combinations of the period control in the rate i.e.., 00,01 etc. but with no use.
Can you please suggest how this can be handled so that the operand is billed with the prorated value?
2023 Jan 29 3:17 PM
SAP replied back on this. If an operand is added in the middle of the period for a Optional step, the periodic billing wouldn't pick up the operand in the cycle if "All Operand Values" are used (if you don't use it, it will bill the whole period). Hence the picky way to bill the records in the first month is to bill it as an intermittent bill. Then the newly added operand will be picked up.
Thank you for all the help.
2022 Dec 28 4:03 PM
Hi Anand,
You have to check the Access Control for the operand in question, this will be 'Operand Access' under Operand.
Check the below for example:
2022 Dec 28 7:56 PM
Hi Srini,
We have maintained the access control as mentioned by you.. But Unfortunately we seem to be having the same issue even after the changes. The logics works fine when it is an interim bill. Having issues only during periodic bill
2022 Dec 29 3:23 PM
Hi Anand,
Just realised your original question, you have mentioned change is after the billing period i.e. on 25th Jan - is this right? if so then you wont see proration.
2022 Dec 29 6:33 PM
Hi Srini,
Thank you for the information. That was a typo and I corrected it now.
2022 Dec 29 3:26 PM
Hi Anand,
I have now checked the standard documentation for REFVAL06 and in there it clearly mentions suppress change dates for operand!
Depending on your requirement you might have to create a custom variant by copying this standard and change the check-box for Input Operand REFVALUE.
2022 Dec 29 7:07 PM
Hi Srini,
As suggested, we have made the changes and tried billing the record. The solution didn't make any change.
2023 Jan 29 3:17 PM
SAP replied back on this. If an operand is added in the middle of the period for a Optional step, the periodic billing wouldn't pick up the operand in the cycle if "All Operand Values" are used (if you don't use it, it will bill the whole period). Hence the picky way to bill the records in the first month is to bill it as an intermittent bill. Then the newly added operand will be picked up.
Thank you for all the help.