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Unable to open SAP refernce IMG

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In SAP ecc6.0 eph4 IS-utilites ides server when i hit t-code spro, there when i click SAP Reference IMG, I go to Finacial Accounting(new) there Accounts Receivable & Payable there customer accounts->master data ->preparation of creating master data ->define account groups with screen layout there i am unable to view menu bar it is diabled,& even back button also

not active on this screen please help me to sort out this problem.


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First of all be informed that IDES for SAP-Utilities is not availble , so have you done fresh ECC 6.0 installation with ISU ?

Secondly , please get in touch with your basis guy for checking any authorization issues are there or is there any switch which is not activated .

If still you are unable to achieve the same , feel free to raise an OSS for the same .

Cheers ,


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Hi Dewang,

I have Similiar query where i got of below given Demo, I created a Project and generated SAP IMG for that. But when i m trying to Check the generated SAP IMG I am getting some error the error description is given below..Pl Help


Category             ABAP Programming Error                                                      Runtime Errors         RAISE_EXCEPTION                                                              ABAP Program         SAPLSHI01                                                                    Application Component  BC-CUS-TOL-HMT                                                              Date and Time         16.06.2014 10:18:12                                                                                                                                                            Short text                                                                                          Exception condition "ILLEGAL_EVENT_COMBINATION" raised.                                                                                                                                        What happened?                                                                                      The current ABAP/4 program encountered an unexpected                                            situation.                                                                                                                                                                                      Error analysis                                                                                      A RAISE statement in the program "CL_ITEM_TREE_CONTROL==========CP" raised the                  exception                                                                                      condition "ILLEGAL_EVENT_COMBINATION".                                                          Since the exception was not intercepted by a superior                                          program, processing was terminated.                                                                                                                                                          Short description of exception condition:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  For detailed documentation of the exception condition, use                                      Transaction SE37 (Function Library). You can take the called                                    function module from the display of active calls.                                              -                                                                                                                                                                                              Trigger Location of Runtime Error                                                                  Program                                CL_ITEM_TREE_CONTROL==========CP                        Include                                CL_ITEM_TREE_CONTROL==========CM00T                    Row                                    77                                                      Module type                            (METHOD)                                                Module Name                            SET_REGISTERED_EVENTS

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Hi Amreeth,

Update your SAP GUI version and try again. Also go through the below note which gives clear solution for the above issue.

Read the Note 1834690 ( ILLEGAL_EVENT_COMBINATION ) and Update GUI to latest version.
