2014 Dec 02 12:09 PM
We have requirement in business wherein we would like to perform partial SD reversal.
So as to achieve this, there is option in FPSEC2 with push button "Clear Outstanding receivable".
I have even tried SE30 and SE80 but in vain.
I could only find BAPI_CTRACSECURITY_REVERSE and FKK_S_SEC_REVERSE but those are for full reversal.
If tried partial reversal for SD where partial payment was received then following error triggered, "Security deposit 11000422 cannot be reversed (status = 03) ".
So would appreciate if any suggestion which can assist in resolving issue at hand.
2014 Dec 02 4:05 PM
Hi Paresh,
I don't think partial reversal on security deposit is possible, I guess there is no concept of partial reversal on any document.
You can write off the remaining security deposit document.