2012 Dec 04 11:37 AM
I have been trying to upload an Inbound IDoc to INVMON, it is getting uploaded successfully and status is NEW, however only POD is not getting replicated there.
Strange part is that when the document is in 'to be processed' or 'completed' status, the POD is seen.
We are using BAPI - BAPI_INVRADVDOC_CREATE to upload and insert records in TINV_INV_DOC.
Please advise.
2012 Dec 06 6:09 PM
Hi Shreeraj,
within the monitoring view of INVMON there is displayed the identified POD only. This didn't already happen for new documents. As soon as TINV_INV_DOC-INT_IDENT is filled by an identification function module the POD is displayed.
Best regards
2012 Dec 06 6:09 PM
Hi Shreeraj,
within the monitoring view of INVMON there is displayed the identified POD only. This didn't already happen for new documents. As soon as TINV_INV_DOC-INT_IDENT is filled by an identification function module the POD is displayed.
Best regards
2012 Dec 07 7:59 AM
Hi Harald,
So you mean to say that when in New status, we cannot show POD but once it has other statuses(to be processed,completed) it can have?
2012 Dec 07 8:09 AM
Hi Shreeraj,
yes in status new, there is no POD displayed within monitoring. For those you may open the document. There the (not identified) POD is displayed like it was sent within the IDOC.
Best regards
2012 Dec 07 8:16 AM