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Transaction FPG1 does not Update Tax Audit Information

0 Kudos

Hello Experts,

We are using third party tax engine for our CR&B and ERP tax calculation - audit reporting. Currently tax is getting calculated during invoice and/or during normal financial posting. In the process of executing transaction FPG1, Function module EXTERNAL_TAX_DOCUMENT_POST is called to update the tax database (for THIRD PARTY). However, when this call is made, the tax document is not returned from from “get_ext_tax_document_from_list” thus the field “NOT_FOUND” is set to ‘X and therefore the tax information is not updated.

As a part of the call to calculation taxes using function module “COLLECT_AND_CALCULATE_TAX_DATA”, in form “check_and_map_input_data” (include LFYTX_TAXMF12), the form “get_or_create_tax_document” is called. It is in this form where the “Tax Document” is created. Since tax is not calculated in this transaction, the tax document is not created, and the update does not occur.

Currently whenever we invoice a customer in SAP CR&B - SAP automatically triggers THIRD PARTY which in turn returns appropriate tax calculated. Now - once we close recon keys associated with that invoice / charge and then transfer those recon keys to general ledger - it transfers all information successfully but SAP fails to update TAX AUDIT files on the THIRD PARTY side. Reason for this is given above.

Any information would be of great help. Thanks.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Nikhil,

Going thru your post, I am able to understand the following-

(a) Tax Calculation happens in a third party system and is integrated with SAP in real time.

(b) The tax calculation for the individual documents\invoices is neither stored in SAP nor in the third party system and is only generated dynamically in run time.

(c) On execution of FPG1, the thrid party system should ideally get updated with the tax info. However its not happening.

Assuming my above understanding is correct, you have to update the tax information in SAP, when the tax information is returned from the third party.

I assume that you want to store the tax information as a seperate line item against the resepective FI-CA document and not as a seperate document no.

If that's the scenario, you can store the tax calculation information as a global variable and then use event 0032 to create the additional tax line items.

You can use FM FKK_TAX_DATA_COMPLETE for the purpose.

Hope my undertsanding is correct and it helps you in solving your issue..

