2011 Jul 22 7:45 AM
In Tran EC55E,
While doing move out with the Business partner getting message as
Field 'Language' with short description 'Business partner: Language' has been set within Customizing as a required field. There is, however, no entry in this field.
Please let me know , how to erase message.
2) While do billing coming message as EASIBI
Period control does not exist
Message no. E9011
2011 Jul 23 10:31 PM
For the error "Field 'Language' with short description 'Business partner: Language' has been set within Customizing as a required field. There is, however, no entry in this field." -- Check if the correspondence language has been filled.
2011 Jul 26 11:40 AM
Hi Ravi,
For the first problem I believe the problem is with the BP itself. Please check from the transcn BP whether the language field is populated or not for the BP.
2011 Jul 26 12:36 PM
Hi Ravi,
For the second message please check the rate steps where you have assigned 'Period control' as part of configuration. There might be some inconsistency with the period control. You can check the configuration in the following path:
SPRO-SAP Utilities-Contract Billing-Billing Master Data-Rate Structure-Rates-Period Control-Define Period Control
Please check whether the period control which you have used in the rate steps exists or not in the configuration.