2012 May 21 8:31 AM
Hi Experts,
For payment run I use payment lot.
But how long (in hours, minutes or seconds) does a program in background can run before getting time out ?
How long in minutes is this in foreground ?
I need this in order to split the payments in smaller payment lots in FI-CA.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
2012 May 21 2:24 PM
Hi Thierno,
There is no limit to how long the Backgound tasks can run but there is a limit when you run it in frontend though the Dialog Work Process..
Limit for the frontend is configurable and can be accessed by the parameter rdisp/max_wprun_time and can be viewed in transaction RZ11...
If you are doing a mass activity you can choose to split the entire data into small intervals and also specify the number of background work processes that should process the data...
2012 May 21 2:24 PM
Hi Thierno,
There is no limit to how long the Backgound tasks can run but there is a limit when you run it in frontend though the Dialog Work Process..
Limit for the frontend is configurable and can be accessed by the parameter rdisp/max_wprun_time and can be viewed in transaction RZ11...
If you are doing a mass activity you can choose to split the entire data into small intervals and also specify the number of background work processes that should process the data...
2012 May 21 2:54 PM
Thank you Sitakant,
I I have check it with RZ11, I assume the time is in seconds.
Can you put time higher that 600 that is nu the current value for case ?
For massa billing, t-code EAMABI, I dont see where to specify the number of background work processes ?
Can you may be explain me where to find it ?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
2012 May 21 4:46 PM
Mass and parallel are not the same thing. Mass implies multiple data objects being processed in a single process. Parallel uses multiple processes.
2012 May 21 4:53 PM
Hi Thierno,
I am afraid the transaction you mentioned is not a parallel processing so you can not mention the number of Background Processes. But having said that, you can use the transaction WLCPAR to generate parallel processing reports for the transaction EAMABI and then provide a variant to execute the same...
In WLCPAR you cannot explicitly mention the No of Background processes but the system will pick it up automatically based on how many Background work processes are free....
Hope this helps....
2012 May 21 10:05 PM
Thanks lot to all of you. Your contribution was helpful to me.
Best regards,