2013 Oct 08 12:33 PM
I am getting the error "The point of delivery for product is occupied from XX.XX.XXXX(Date) to XX.XX.XXX(Date)" in contract management while entering a live contract.
How the ended contract dates connected with live contract POD ?
Vimal Alexander
2013 Oct 10 1:29 PM
2013 Oct 15 8:54 AM
Check out entries of table EVER, EANLH, EUITRANS, EUIINSTLN for last contract / installation and POD. looks like there is some glitch in one of the table records related to timeslice.
2013 Oct 15 3:16 PM
I checked your point of view but it seems the error raiesd from CRM side not in ISU.
Vimal Alexander
2016 Aug 06 9:09 AM
Hi Vimal,
Could you please give me some information what did you do on CRM side?
I have the same problem, checked application logs and ISU table data.
Still not find the problem root cause...
Zoltán Tóth