2013 Oct 10 6:37 PM
We have found multiple Landlord accounts (LLA) missing information in the overview. We are getting the following message NOT ALL CONTRACTS COULD BE DISPLAYED. The missing information is at the bottom of the overview screen where the contract information should be, there is only empty fields. All these accounts/premises have been occupied in the past, but for some reason there is no move in or move out date displaying.
Your help will be greatly appreciate it.
Valentina Solorzano
2013 Oct 15 8:49 AM
This seems specific data issue. Some one will have to debug the code and find out why data is excluded. If data is very old, then data will need to be updated manually for missing fields directly at table level.
2013 Oct 16 5:25 PM
this message is shown when there are too many objects to display, eg the account has 500 contracts or the bp has 700 accounts. in those cases, the data only shows the first 100 or so. the users need to search using service location or other info to get the right info.