2014 May 24 2:25 PM
We have a custom rate step variant used for some calculations.
We would like billing to terminate if there is an error in the calculations.
At present we have the below line in the code
mac_err '000' 'ZBIL' 'Error in price calculation' space space space general_fault.
This adds the message to the log and says billing has been terminated.
But billing document gets created for the month.
What is the right statement to use if billing must be terminated as soon as the error is discovered.
2014 May 24 4:37 PM
Hi Joshua,
Have a look at standard variant UTILIT99. This is a standard SAP variant which you can use as a reference for your own variants in order to cancel billing.
2014 May 24 4:37 PM
Hi Joshua,
Have a look at standard variant UTILIT99. This is a standard SAP variant which you can use as a reference for your own variants in order to cancel billing.
2014 May 26 11:17 AM
Hi Joshva,
Use variant UTILIT99 as a reference variant to create a custom variant to terminate billing. Also error message can be displayed in the custom variant which will describe the reason for termination. This custom message to be written in the FM of the variant.