2016 Apr 06 12:26 PM
hi Guys
need to know that how can we send addition field information in the payload that is generated by standard ami interface.
for eg i need to send " register group" in payload which is not send in standard payload generated.
i need to know the wsdl structure of the standard interfaces.whats the process for that.
2016 Apr 06 5:04 PM
Dear Pankaj,
That's an interesting question. I am not a PI consultant, however I was curious to know the answer myself so I did a bit of research. Please read out the below link which almost answers your query.
How to add a field to standard proxy definition? | SCN
With respect to viewing the structure definition of the standard proxy, I trust it should be the same as its done for the custom ones - that's through SPROXY transaction. Should you need the steps, then please let me know.
Thank you.
Mohammed Muzammil.
2016 Apr 07 6:42 AM
2016 Apr 07 8:02 AM
Dear Pankaj,
Login to the transaction SPROXY and you will see the below initial screen. ( Note : I have erased the client specific information ).
Expand the hierarchy on the left side highlighted in the above picture and you will be able to see the below set of components :
1) Datatypes 2) Messagetypes 3) Service Interfaces 4)Orphaned Objects.
The structure information in present in the Datatypes node. So expand it as below.
On double clicking the node under Datatypes, you will be able to see the screen on the right hand side ( as shown in the above picture ). Click on the ABAP Name field ( highlighted in blue in the above picture ).
System takes you the structure of the proxy interface. Of this the CONTROLLER field is a default one and the remaining ones are part of the file.
Hope this helps.
With Regards,
Mohammed Muzammil.
2016 Apr 07 2:48 PM
Just curious here - did I answer your query? If yes, please mark the thread as answered and close it.