2016 May 10 12:00 PM
Hi All,
Is any body knows which tables stores the error ann other logs of transaction codes EL09,EL16,EL18,EA26.EA38 ,EA29 ,FPVA and EA58.
Thank You!
2016 May 10 12:33 PM
You should use BPEM transactions to process (EMMAJP) and view (EMMAJL) the logs.
2016 May 11 9:24 AM
Dear Arun,
Please check the below tables.
BAL_AMODAL Application Log: INDX table for amodal com
BAL_INDX Application Log: INDX tables
BALC Application Log: Log or message context
BALDAAG_RESID Data Aging: Residence Times of Application
BALDAT Application Log: Log data
BALHANDLE Application Log: Lock object dummy table
BALHDR Application log: log header
BALHDRP Application log: log parameter
BALM Application log: log message
BALMP Application log: message parameter
BALOBJ Application log: objects
BALOBJT Application Log: Object Texts
BALSUB Application log: sub-objects
BALSUBT Application Log: Subobject Texts
Thank you.
Mohammed Muzammil.