2015 Jun 17 11:09 AM
Hello SAP,
I have parameter the main and sub-transcation in FICA (table TE305) but still can't see them when I want to configurate my rate.
Any help please.
Best regards
2015 Jun 17 4:14 PM
Have you maintained the main/sub combination in, maintain transactions for IS-U >> maintain transactions for billing?
2015 Jun 17 6:34 PM
Yes I already maintained main/sub transaction fot transaction for billing.
Please check the screen shot attached.
Best regards
2015 Jun 17 7:03 PM
Hi Hasna,
It must show up it your rate is in the same division for which the config is updated. What error do you see is you manually enter the subtransaction?
2015 Jun 19 10:22 AM
When I try to do it manually, I have the error msg N° AH671 : Su-transaction 0010 has a special meaning.
Please fined attached the FICA configuration for billing (Table TFKTVO)
Best regards.
2015 Jun 19 10:09 PM
Hi Hasna,
You are probably using the subtransactions which are assigned to internal main/sub.
You must assign the subs which are not assigned to internal main/sub transaction. These are for summarization of the FICA document to determine receivable account, however in rate steps you have to use the subs that are for revenue account determination.
Assign the subtransactions which are there in transaction EK02.
2015 Jun 25 1:06 PM