2012 Sep 15 5:46 PM
I wish to know how the ordering is done on street route, that is, on EL40? where is the configuration and how to proceed to change the ordering sequence?
2012 Sep 17 10:35 AM
Hi Gavisht,
There is no standard configuration available to control the sequence. You need to use EL40 transaction to change the sequence manually.
Alternatively, if you are receiving sequence from 3rd party system, then you can use IDoc Type ISU_EL40 for automatic update.
2012 Sep 17 10:35 AM
Hi Gavisht,
There is no standard configuration available to control the sequence. You need to use EL40 transaction to change the sequence manually.
Alternatively, if you are receiving sequence from 3rd party system, then you can use IDoc Type ISU_EL40 for automatic update.
2012 Sep 26 8:41 AM
Hi Avinash,
Thanks for the reply.
To be more precise, when the print documents get spooled (EA60), it is printed in the order as define in street route. I want to change that ordering sequence.Currently it is printing in the following order:
MRU, Device.. connection object etc.. i want the order to be Portion, MRU... then followed by others.
How this can be done?
2012 Sep 26 11:59 AM
Hi Gavisht,
Street Route is for meter reading purpose and not for bill print. In Street Route, highest level of object is MRU and not portion.
If you have to want to sort print documents during bill print process, then you need to implement SAP enhancement EIN0001 (SMOD).
This will allow to sort your print documents based on Portion.
Hope this helps.
2012 Oct 17 7:39 PM