2016 Mar 09 1:08 AM
Hi Experts,
We have an scenario in our client as part of the conversion from legacy to SAP we need to prevent the transfer of converted document postings and associated reconciliation keys from being transferred to FI-GL so that we don't account for it post-conversion.
In a way we need to stop all the converted documents with it's associated Recon keys from being picked up during the FPG1 - Transfer Mass run. We found that if we mark the indicator "XMISS" flag on the reconciliation keys in the table DFKKSUMC then it prevents the transfer from happening to FI-GL.
We want to understand if anyone have came across a similar requirement and if this is the right approach to go about it or is there any other better alternatives to prevent the transfer of only certain recon keys to FI-GL. Please let me know of any suggestions.
2016 Mar 09 1:36 AM
this is unusual - I would not recommend this at all. Why do you think you need to prevent the transfer?
2016 Mar 09 1:36 AM
this is unusual - I would not recommend this at all. Why do you think you need to prevent the transfer?
2016 Mar 09 4:17 AM
Hi William,
Thanks for the response.
In our current client they use People-Soft has the general ledger where all the FICA postings are first send to FI-GL and then our custom program picks up all the FI-GL details from the BSEG and BKPF tables aggregates the total dollars and generates IDOC's to reconcile with People-Soft.
We have all the jurisdictions running in SAP following the same process with an postings made to particular A/R account say "142000" except for one jurisdiction which we are trying to convert to SAP as well.
Now as part of conversion all the converted postings we will be moving to SAP the business won't want those converted dollar amounts to be moved to People-Soft as they are already balanced in Legacy.
We did suggest them to use an separate A/R account say "152000" for conversion so that it would work seamlessly without affecting the other jurisdictions but then business want us to use the same A/R account "142000" for all the postings even for the converted documents but then they don't want it to be send to People-Soft.
We are looking at options to achieve this requirement and one of things we thought off to see if we can stop the recon keys posted as part of "Conversion activity" to be marked as not to be transferred to FI-GL in that way converted documents are never moved to FI-GL.
Not sure if this is the right way just wanted to check from the response it looks like not an great idea if that is the case then we can think off stopping it in our custom program logic to not pick up the converted recon keys to be send to People-Soft.
Please let me know if this can be handled in a better way
2016 Mar 09 2:39 PM
Hi Bharat,
You can exclude the Conversion reconciliation keys in the GL Transfer run, either through FPG1/FPG1M.However, restriction in the transferring of reco. keys is not recommended at all.
Now if you are using the same AR GL A/c as used in legacy, and it will overstate the People-soft GL A/c if you are transferring the Conversion reconcilitation keys from SAP.
The best way would be to post an offset Conversion document during the migration of the Converted documents as suggested by
This will post an offset entry (kind of Journal entry) against the AR GL A/c in SAP and then will actually post the converted FICA document.
Now if this reconciliation key is transferred, it will first offset the people Soft AR GL and then post the converted document from FICA and then legacy, SAP FICA and People-soft will be in sync.
2016 Mar 09 2:48 PM
You could post a manual journal entry after conversion is complete which effectively zeroes out the postings, which is the normal approach. Without a subsequent posting, the general ledger would be overstated significantly. Why would that not work?
2016 Mar 09 4:05 PM
Hi William,
Just want to understand more on this one, When you say posting manual journal entry is to offset the converted dollar amounts that are moved to "FI-GL" with the same A/R account?? So that only the converted dollars are balanced out.
2016 Mar 09 4:08 PM
Thanks Amlan for the Response.
Do you think excluding the conversion recon keys in an event during FPG1M will still be a better idea or only to go by posting an offsetting entry during conversion document posting?? Please let me know.
2016 Mar 09 6:42 PM
2016 Mar 10 10:10 AM
Hi Bharat,
Having the Subledger (FI-CA) and the FI-GL in sync is always the best practice and is recommended.
You can use an automated approach as stated in my previous post or can do it manually as a part of the Post-cutover activity in people soft as suggested by Bill.
2016 Mar 09 2:26 AM
Hi Bharat,
I don't believe this is the right approach.
Usually, for migration purpose FI team prepares special GL account for the postings from conversion trade FICA documents.
However, if you do not have any special GL accounts for this purpose, I think the better way of doing it is to post an offsetting FICA document during the time you post the conversion documents.
The offsetting FICA document will not have any entry in DFKKOP. Simply, it will have entry in DFKKKO (a header record) and DFKKOPK (with GL level posting details).
You can achieve that easily by enhancing in fqevents (0030) such that the enhancement would identify the posting of conversion document and post another FICA document along with that.
So, if you transfer reconcilation key for both the FICA documents, it would not impact the overall balance of GL accounts.
Hope it helps.
2016 Mar 09 4:25 AM
Hi Bodhisattwa,
Thanks for the response.
Completely Agree, That is the best way according to me as well to use an separate A/R account for conversion which is what i suggested.
We are looking at options to achieve this requirement without an conversion specific G/L then we still don't want those to be accounted for in the People-Soft general ledger.
Not sure if this is the right way just wanted to check from the response it looks like not an great idea. We will consider that option of offsetting the document as part of conversion posting.
Thanks for the suggestion.
2016 Mar 09 10:28 AM
Hi Bharat,
The easy way would be to include all the 'Relevant' Reconciliation keys in the "Exclude Single Values' or 'Exclude Ranges' tab in a variant, so that these recon keys are not picked up during FPG1 transfer.
Another way is to enhance the transfer to GL event to check for an additional variable in the TVARVC table, where the set of "Relevant" Recon keys are stored. So that it excludes the reconkeys maintained in the table for transfer to GL.
Hope this is helpful.