2011 Jul 22 2:42 PM
Hi DM Gurus'
I have an requirement to Update the standard schedule records at the time of execution of E43A transaction . At the time of execution of the transaction it should compare with the custom table and updates the dates in Standard schedule record (Table TE417 & TE418) .Please suggest any User Exit or the method to cater this requirement.
Thanks ,
2011 Jul 23 10:08 PM
Hi Hari,
Please let us know about the actual requirement. What is the function of the custom table ???
2011 Jul 25 6:57 AM
Hi ,
The custom table having the data's ( scheduled dates) from Agents ,we need to align those dates with Standard schedule record dates (i.e Update the dates of std schedule dates with the custom table dates) ....
Pls suggest the method to cater the reqt...
Thanks ,
Harry .