2011 Sep 02 2:59 AM
Hello Experts,
We have requirement to process to bank files and to post payment lot in SAP. I know it is possible to post payment lot using FPB3 (by converting bank file to SAP standard format/layout). I also found standard payment lot BAPI function modules such as BAPI_CTRACPAYMINC_CREATE .
So either we can convert our bank file in SAP standard format and then process it using FPB3 (which has its own advantages such as post processing) or we can read that file and then push that information in standard BAPIs through same interface program.
So I would like to know best practice used in bank file processing. Personally I like FPB3 transaction but at the same time I am not sure why SAP has given those standard BAPIs?
Any suggestions or inputs would be of great help. Thanks.
Kind Regards,
2011 Sep 02 5:39 PM
They are not meant to be an either/or proposition. The BAPIs might be useful when payments aer made/received throughout the day in another system and you want to put them into a lot as they are received. The bapis allow for a de-centralized approach. FPB3 allows for a centralized, single shot approach, which is the case with most lockbox type payment scenarios. In this way, only one interface is required, and the full lots are processed into SAP. Depending on business process and requirements, either (and others) might be used.
2011 Sep 02 5:39 PM
They are not meant to be an either/or proposition. The BAPIs might be useful when payments aer made/received throughout the day in another system and you want to put them into a lot as they are received. The bapis allow for a de-centralized approach. FPB3 allows for a centralized, single shot approach, which is the case with most lockbox type payment scenarios. In this way, only one interface is required, and the full lots are processed into SAP. Depending on business process and requirements, either (and others) might be used.
2011 Sep 08 3:49 AM
I would advice to go for calling FPB3 (RFKKZE00) , as it offers excellent exception handling, parallel processing etc. It is being used by many utilities and proven method unless you have lot of custom requirements to meet while posting payments.
Hope it helps,