2011 Oct 09 2:50 AM
I know that std addesses of a BPart are stored as indicated in table BUT021_FS-XDFADU = 'X'.
For a BP i am trying to change a street name which is a default address (which is NOT std address as shown in BUT021_FS). i am getting an error "Address is standard address; restriction to validity not allowed" even though its Not a std adrress.
I am using the BAPI : BAPI_ISUPARTNER_CHANGE and I am getting this error from this BAPI.
Is there any other way to find if the address is std address or not?
2011 Oct 10 9:57 AM
Rather than sing that field for finding Standard Address, use field 'ADR_KIND' and check for value 'XXDEFAULT' which is normally used for Standard Address.