2010 Jun 04 2:39 AM
I have document number with 4 items. What would cause an items not getting dunned?
Example record in DFKKOP.
Doc No (OPBEL) Item (OPUPK)
============ ===========
200012345670 0001
200012345670 0002
200012345670 0003
200012345670 0004
Items 0001, 0002, 0003 were dunned but not 0004. Any idea that will cause this?
2010 Jun 04 4:10 AM
Two approaches-
(a) First check in the custom selctions section of the dunning proposal run, that whether any filtering is set for OPUPK field or not.
(b) If the above point does not solve the purpose, then check event 0300, 0302., if it's happening due to any triggering of custom FM.
If the above two are not working, then I would suggest you to go for debugging while executing the dunning proposal run.
2010 Jun 04 4:09 PM
2010 Jun 24 7:44 AM
I am getting the below error while generating a proposal run for invoices posted against a contract :
No dunning activities available for dunning procedure 01, dunning lvl 01
No invoice / line item selected for dunning, dunning history is not getting created.
Let me know what is it that I should look for...did you get answers to your problem.
Thanks and regards,
Prerna Tatia
2010 Jun 24 8:21 AM
You donot have any activity assigned to yuor DP -01 and DL-01.
Two step approach-
(a) Create an activity in the following location-
IMG-financial accounting(new)->Contarct A/C AR &AP->Business Trnsactions->Dunning->Configure dunning activity
(b) Assign the dunning activity in the following location under DP-01and DL-01
IMG-financial accounting(new)->Contract A/C AR &AP->Business Trnsactions->Configure dunning procdure
Hope it solves the problem.