2011 Jun 10 7:29 AM
Dear Experts,
while i am doing automatic simulation EA00, its triggering the following error.
" no rate was found for the period..xxxx to xxxx."
i am doing billing for the period between 07.02.2009 to 5.6.2011
but error shows no rate has been found for the period 10.2.2011 to 22.11.2010
is this because of rate determination is not maintained for that period? (but it was maintained correctly)
but in this case on 09.02.2009 meter reading reason with 22 (meter reading at billing relevant removal)
and 23.11.2010 meter reading reason with 21 (meter reading at billing rel inst.)
i am thinking this is making the error.?
anybody have idea, why its triggering? plz..
2011 Jun 10 9:54 AM
You are correct. Since this is a metered property and a measured rate category is assigned at installation where you have a register permissible rate, you need a device throughout the billing period where the register / device relevant rate type will be assigned.
Please install a device throughout the billing period (It means you need a device for the gap where the device is not installed at the property) and then you will not be getting this error.
Hope it helps.
2011 Jun 10 10:16 AM
Hi Nirmalya,
thanks for reply, you mean that i need to install a device for that installation for that gap period? (10.02.2009 to 22.11.2010) ?
and in this case when the meter reading was entered with reason 21, in the multiple allocation (MA) column is blank usually it should be marked with "X".
do you have any idea why that "MA " was not marked with "x" ?
2011 Jun 10 10:33 AM
Yes. You can install a device on 10.02.2009 and remove it on 22.11.2010. This is because you have already a meter installed from 22.11.2010 to 31.12.9999. If you do not remove one of the meter, in future you have to enter the meter readings on both of the meters. But you need at least one meter for all the days throughout the billing period.
The MA column is marked if several meter reading reasons have been allocated to a meter reading result on a single day.
For an example:
Full installation consists of the following steps, both of which are carried out on the same day:
a) Technical device installation in a device location
b) Billing-related installation, that is, the device is allocated to an installation for billing purposes.
In this case one meter reading result is entered with the following two meter reading reasons:
08 (meter reading for technical installation)
21 (meter reading for billing-related installation)
So in the above case on the installation date you can see the 'MA' field will be marked as X.
Since you are not entering multiple meter reading reasons on the meter installation date, the field is not marked as 'X'.
Hope it clarifies your query.
2011 Jun 10 10:57 AM
Hi Nirmlaya,
Thanks for reply., now its clear for me, yes, whn i chk in the instalation ....device..timeslices.. as you said that there is no device avb for that time period. current time slice is 23.11.2010 to 31.12.9999 is allocated.
but , does it allows me to install the current device for gap period? or do i need to create new device for that?
as you mentioned ..if i install new device on 10.02.2009 and then if i remove it on 22.11.2010, does this shows on instalation..device..timeslices? for removal process i need to EG35(bill related) or EG53(tech rev).
if you dnt mind can you explain step process, for instal new dev (on 10.02.2009 )and removal on (22.11.2010).
it will be more help full for me,
2011 Jun 10 11:07 AM
The existing device (which is already installed from 23.11.2010) can not be installed for the gap period. You need a new device / device info record for that.
1.You can do full installation (EG31) if you are creating a device (Create device:IQ01). But if you are creating a new device info record (EG44), you can only do a billing related installation (EG34) on 10.02.2009.
2. If you do EG31 in the step 1, you need a full removal (EG32) on 23.11.2010 so that the device will be available upto 22.11.2010. However if you did EG34 in step 1, you need a billing related removal (EG35) to remove the device on 23.11.2010.
Hope it helps.
2011 Jun 10 11:24 AM
Hi Nirmalya..
Thanks for your valuable info, it was very help full..
after changing those, i will let you know the status.
once again thq for your time.