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shdb recording cant record fpcpl clarification?

0 Kudos

Hi Guys,

I'm trying to create a program that can do a mass change of document no. in fpcpl clarification cause we got many data gone wrong and it will take time to do it manually. Is there a function I can use?

I tried to use SHDB recording to FPCPL but unfortunately it cant record does screens inf FPCPL. I would like to ask your advise about his matter.

Thanks for your kind answer and advise.


Active Contributor
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Hi Nars,

What mass changes are you planning to do in the clarification documents?



0 Kudos

Thanks Amlan for your response.

Here the screenshot below, sorry if I cant explain it very well, I'm still newbie in SAP.

What I'm trying to do is to replace the document no. in the FPCPL, the reference of new will came from our custom table. At first i tried to do it in recording but for some reason it cant record it.

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SHDB cannot be used with a clarification worklist.

0 Kudos

Hi Nars,

Assuming, that you have to update only the document no. and the document item and the selection values remain constant for all the incorrect items, i.e. G (Business Partner)-Sel. category 1, B(Document No.)-Sel. category 2 and H (Document Item)-Sel. category 3, then technically you have to update two database table-DFKKZP and DFKKCFZST, with the new values of document no and document the Selection value 2 and Selection value 3 respectively.

As suggested by Bill, SHDB is not an option.

Also as per my knowledge goes, any changes in the clarification item is being handled by series of standard include programs that gets called during the save .

I would suggest you to try the FM, ISU_CFPS_CFC_EVENT_CF_FILL, where I_APPL_OBJ=PLOT and I_APPLICATION_ITEM=payment lot item.

If its possible through this FM, then its fine, other wise the last option that remains is to build a table update program to rectify the incorrect items.

Hope it helps.



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Nars - this still doesnt answer Amlan's question - what has happened and why do you need to update that data? 

0 Kudos

Hi Amlan and William,

Thanks for your kind answer. apology, but even myself not clearly know what happen in fpcpl, but its just they want me to make that program that can replace the document number which i will get it from the given custom table they made where i can use existing document number and item number as reference to get new replacement document number in fpcpl clarif. And then make the clarification clear and posted.

I need to update the data because that's the work around on that clarification they have (which i already try in manual procedure). the instruction to me whether other item or document failed to post it will be alright make to continue changing the document base on the custom table. other unfulfilled clarification will be fix in other way.

Thanks Will, now i know its imposible to use the shdb.

I tried to use Amlans given function but it seem it did not work or I maybe just use it in wrong way.. I just simply input the data in the function.