2016 Jul 14 4:02 PM
Is there any way we can select incoming/outgoing payment method directly from tocde: FPP4 instead of going to contact account and select.
I am unable to edit the incoming payment method from FPP4 after selecting BP and contact account.
Customer looking for a solution to add bank details, direct debit setup all in one transaction.
2016 Jul 14 4:53 PM
Check your security access - that is standard functionality in FPP4.
2016 Jul 15 12:13 PM
Hi Nagesh,
Updating Direct debit details at the contract account from Business Partner would actually violate the Segregation of duties, as setting of customer DD is quite a sensitive activity and specific Users should have access to perform this.
Having said that, if you are looking for New DD set up process for the Existing BP and Contract account, then you can enhance the event DSAVC in transaction BUS7, and use the BAPI_CTRACCONTRACTACCOUNT_CHNG/ISU_S_ACCOUNT_CHANGE.
2016 Jul 15 2:05 PM
I don't understand this response. FPP4 is designed to enable setup for incoming/outgoing payments in one transaction rather than two. No enhancement necessary, full stop. If SoD is an issue, then you don't use FPP4 and continue with the old two-step approach. If you have an issue completing the process fully within FPP4, then check your security access and the configuration found in the IMG ( FICA > Basic functions > Contract partner > Payment transactions )