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Settlement Step SUMINTSU error

0 Kudos

Hi All,

I have copied standard Enhanced Analytical Settlement Procedure and created a new custom settlement procedure for which I only want to build Interval customers profile as per PODs selected in my Settlement Units and as per different retailers.

I would like to know/confirm if SUMINTSU settlement step selects consumption for interval profiles as per register role defined in customizing of Settlement Procedure?

When I execute my Enhanced Analytical Settlement Procedure, I am getting error in SUMINTSU step stating that "Parameter Profile for this step is missing". I have defined parameter profile in customizing for "PrLoadSup01", "PrLoadSupAll" and "PrLoadSup" parameters.

Can you please help me point if there is some issue in customizing of my Settlement Procedure?




Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Mayuresh,

Yes, SUMINTSU - will sum up the Load Shape for Interval customers for each Settlement Unit

But ASSIGNPOD should have been executed first so that the POD selected can be sent for processing to SUMINTSU.

Also SUMINTSU needs only one exporting parameter which is PrLoadSup01.

The error which you are getting is probably because the parameter is not getting any values passed.

Also check if you have declared the profile template in the system transaction EEDM_SETTLPROFILE.

Hope this helps.



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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Mayuresh,

Yes, SUMINTSU - will sum up the Load Shape for Interval customers for each Settlement Unit

But ASSIGNPOD should have been executed first so that the POD selected can be sent for processing to SUMINTSU.

Also SUMINTSU needs only one exporting parameter which is PrLoadSup01.

The error which you are getting is probably because the parameter is not getting any values passed.

Also check if you have declared the profile template in the system transaction EEDM_SETTLPROFILE.

Hope this helps.



0 Kudos

Thanks Rakesh.

I have also maintained profile parameters in EEDM_SETTLPROFILE transaction for PrLoadSup01 parameter and I am not getting any error now in SUMINTSU step. Thanks for this.

However I am getting a warning message stating that "No Load profile is selected for my settlement period".

Also interim result is calculated with a value which I believe is incorrect.

I thought the interval consumption profiles would be selected based on the "Roles for Register Allocation" defined in customizing for my settlement procedure.

I was expecting that system would select all the register related consumption profiles having this role for PODs selected in my Settlement Unit, however this is not happening.

Also my Interim results are incorrect.

Please let me know your comments on this.



0 Kudos

Hi Mayuresh,

From your error message I assume you are executing the run for interval meters. So please check table EEDMSETTLIN for an already executed settlement document. This table has entries once ASSIGNPOD is executed and one can check all the POD which are considered for next processes here. If you are getting entry here then its a different issue , if no entry then your customizing is not working.

Yes the profile role marked in role for register allocation is important but the other parameters of Settlement unit category and service type is also important. It should be a correct set of all parameters.

Hope this helps.



0 Kudos

Thanks Rakesh.

Yes I am running settlement for interval meters only.

I have checked EEDMSETTLIN table and there no entries in this table which means ASSIGN POD step has not selected any PODs for processing.

Can you please help highlight what could be the issue with customizing for this?

i.e. please let me know the list of things that I need to double check again?



0 Kudos

Hi Mayuresh,

I am giving you a standard SAP scenario.

If I have to get the interval consumption from a meter with one register.

Selections for Settlement Procedure : Selection type 01: Consumption(say)

> Settlement Unit Category for Selection : 01(say) [Settlement Unit is checked from the Deregulated PoD of the Installation]

> Service type for Selection : 01 (say) [This is checked from the Installation]

>  Roles for Register Allocation : 0001(say) [This is the profile role to which the profile is allocated to the register installed in the Installation]

If I have another register then I have to repeat the above with a different Selection Type and Register role. It like defining the selection parameters for the method to identify the exact profile based on settlement unit ,service type and role.

Hope this helps.



0 Kudos

Thanks Rakesh.

I have reviewed my config and noticed that Service Type was incorrect in my config. I was thinking that system would select PODs based on Service Types allocated as POD Services however as per your above comment I understand that system selects as per Service Type assigned at Installation level.

I have now resolved issue for ASSIGNPOD settlement step and EEDMSETTLIN table is getting populated now with entries.

However for me the result of SUMINTSU step still looks incorrect.


The result of ASSIGNPOD settlement step is 1 interval installation which has got 15 mins interval consumption maintained (2.5kwh per interval).

When I execute my settlement run, I expect the interim result for SUMINTSU step to be 2.5*96 for 1 selected installation however in my case it is coming to value as 12.

I would appreciate your help with this last issue as well. Thanks.



0 Kudos

Hi Mayuresh,

It seem like a data issue.

Can you recheck the profile values for the settlement period.

Also make sure the register factor and billing factor if used are all 1.

The Unit of measurement and interval length of the Profiles are same.

Rest you would have to test with a different set of data and if that works correctly then map it with this one but if it works the same manner then it might help in pin pointing.

Hope this helps.



0 Kudos

Hi Rakesh,

I have figured out the issue and I have got the scenario working now.

The value that I was getting in Settlement Run logs for the interim profiles was not actual aggregated profile values but interim profile numbers and there was also a overlap with interim profile number ranges and actual profile header number ranges.

I have got the complete scenario working and the end Settlement profile (curve) is now being calculated correctly.

Thanks for all your help in this.



0 Kudos

Hi Rakesh,

I have one more query on this.

The basic scenario has worked in my case however I am trying to test a scenario where there are more than 1 POD selected in ASSIGNPOD step for aggregating interval meter consumption.

In this scenario, when I execute my settlement run I do not get aggregate consumption values in my output profile.

I am only getting consumption of one interval meter profile and the second interval meter profile is not getting aggregated although I see that ASSIGNPOD step is selecting this POD and writing in EEDMSETTLIN table.

Can you please let me know what the issue could be in this case?



0 Kudos

Hi Mayuresh,

If you can see an entry in the table that means ASSIGNPOD has sent that PoD to the next step. So what is the next step you are using ? Check on the Run Log. It should have the details of the interim profiles created and how many load profiles were selected.

Check on the test parameter determination in the settlement workbench.

Check the second POD alone probably by removing the settlement unit from the first PoD.

also check if the profile has values.



0 Kudos

Thanks Rakesh.

I have resolved this issue as well.

Correct entries were written in EEDMSETTLIN table and EEDMSETTLUF  table by ASSIGNPOD step. Next settlement step was SUMINTSU which initially I thought was not aggregating the interval consumption profiles.

Hence I changed the SUMINTSU parameter type to be a output parameter so that I can check the output aggregated profile and tried doing the whole process again and it worked very well.

Thanks once again for your help.

One more query I have is that for SENDSUPR step the system looks at all the Service Providers (SP) in Settlement Unit involved in Settlement run and then gets the Business Partners assigned to these Service Providers and then gets its Contract Account (CA), Contract (C), Installation and POD.

If Business Partners assigned to Service Providers do not CA or C, system gives error in SENDSUPR step, can you please let me know the significance and why it is required to have complete technical and master data for business partner of SP?



0 Kudos

Hi Mayuresh,

The base of getting all the profiles into settlement and also out, is based on PoD. In this object all the billable and non billable services along with the settlement unit and other details are stored. In the Service Provider we maintain the data exchange process and service provider agreement which maintain the linkage between own service provider and third party service provider.So all this requires business master data to check and send data.

Hope this helps.

