2010 Aug 03 4:51 PM
Hi Guru's,
I am working on SAP IDE, I have created service provider as distributor (own system) and another service provider as third party service provider with supply as the service type. I have also created Gridusage service provider agreement between the supplier and distributor.
I am trying to create a switch document for change of supplier in the distributor view and provided all the necessary data.
In the workflow step of get service provider agreement system is showing an error saying no service provider agreement exists between
SP Initiator: Distributor & Processing service provider as supplier.
Can somebody please help me resolve this issue.
2010 Aug 06 4:58 PM
Hi Amit,
Is this error message you receive EDEREG 455?
The following are some notes relating to this error, perhaps these can be helpful to solve your issue.
Kind Regards
2010 Aug 06 5:18 PM
Hi Olivia,
My problem is happening in the workflow for start of supply. My client is a distribution company. I am supposed to provide them option to create a switch document to start of supply for a third party supplier.
I have created distributor as service provider in own company and distribution as service type.
Similarly I have created supplier as service provider with supply as service type.
I have also create outline agreement for grid usage between supplier and distributon.
In the workflow step of get spa agreement, system is giving me the error saying no service provider agreement exists
Can you please help me resolve this problem.