2017 Apr 13 7:49 PM
Hi Experts
I know serial switching works good for consumption (QUANT) registers. If I would like to use installation groups with group and distribution role between main and sub meters for Demand register also. All meters are to be read on same day and same time using AMI solution. Can anyone help me how to achieve this? Demand operands does not have ERCHV operand check box, so standard solution does not work.
2017 Apr 17 7:24 AM
Hi Madhu,
I was also not aware that DEMAND operand don't have ERCHV flag, for your solution use QUANTI08 (Calculate Quantity from Demand) variant and convert your DEMAND operand into QUANT operand and later use DEMAND08 to convert back it to DEMAND. I think this way you can establish installation grouping configuration.
2017 Apr 18 4:20 PM
Hi Manoj
My idea also same as to convert Demand to Quantity category operands to make serial switching work. The suggested variants QUANTI08 and DEMAND08 has second input TQUANT which makes the original value different to output, so they won't work. I try with standard variants DEMAND12 to convert to Factor and QUANTI09 to convert factor to QUANT using constant 1. Similarly QUNTI12 and DEMAND09 to convert Quant to Demand. Using factor as temporary in between will not change the value but some reason it did not work.
I ended up with creating custom variants to move Demand to Quant category and back which are working fine.