2013 Feb 02 7:17 AM
I am using SD-FICA intregration,
in this from SD module i am creating accounting document for FICA to collect Security Deposit from customer with main transaction 0020 and sub transaction 0020 with statical indicator H ,tick mark on downpayment,
My problem is FI-CA document was created but no secuirty deposit request document created,
I have checked functionality of t.code FPSEC1 in this FI-CA and security deposit request document created same time,
How i can use this functionality in SD-FICA integration
Please help me on this
2013 Feb 02 4:07 PM
SD-FICA integration does not provide for any security deposit processing. There is down payment functionality which is integrated - but that is not the same. Security deposits can only be created from within FICA or ISU.
2013 Feb 02 4:07 PM
SD-FICA integration does not provide for any security deposit processing. There is down payment functionality which is integrated - but that is not the same. Security deposits can only be created from within FICA or ISU.
2013 Feb 06 6:22 AM
Dear ,
thanks for reply,
Is any FM which can help me to create SD request ?
2013 Feb 06 3:48 PM
you would have to use it outside of the SD process as it will create its own posting document. You can use BAPI_CTRACSECURITY_CREATE.
2013 Feb 07 12:21 PM
By using this FM olny SD request has been created and this number also not updated in table FKK_SEC,
I my secenario i am creating accounting document first and then i need to create SD request,
Please guide on this
2013 Feb 07 3:09 PM
I am sorry but your scenario is not the correct way to process a security deposit. The deposit document and request are created together using either the bapi or FPSEC1.