2015 Aug 24 2:57 AM
Hi Experts,
I'm new to SAP FICA.
I have few quires regarding Security Deposit Partial Release/Interest calculation.
1. When a Security Deposit is partially released, system shows the partial release date with respective to Security Deposit start date.
Is this the standard behavior, or else is there any other way to check partial release date of Security Deposit.
Security Deposit start date = 01.01.2014
Security Deposit Partial release date (happens on 16.09.2014) = 01.01.2014 (system populated Security Deposit start date)
2. In the event of partial release of Security Deposit, is there a feasibility to calculate the interest on Security Deposit at this point of time.
If so, is there a standard configuration or else it should be custom.
Thanks in Advance
2015 Aug 24 5:58 PM
1. Yes this is standard behavior. We look at the change docs of SD payment document to pick the date on which the clearing restriction 2 was removed to get the actual date of SD release. This requirement is used for showing the released SD on the print document.
2. Yes SD interest works for partially released deposits by standard configurations. Try FPI2 or FPINTM2 for calculating interest on the partially released deposits. You should have maintained the interest key on the SD or the payment document. You should have defined the interest calculation rules.
2015 Aug 24 5:58 PM
1. Yes this is standard behavior. We look at the change docs of SD payment document to pick the date on which the clearing restriction 2 was removed to get the actual date of SD release. This requirement is used for showing the released SD on the print document.
2. Yes SD interest works for partially released deposits by standard configurations. Try FPI2 or FPINTM2 for calculating interest on the partially released deposits. You should have maintained the interest key on the SD or the payment document. You should have defined the interest calculation rules.
2015 Aug 25 3:32 AM
Hi Yuvaraj,
Thanks for your response.
Please assist on below.
1. As suggested, once SD is released partially, we will make a payment to the customer. So based on this payment date I can determine the SD partial release date.
2. As suggested there is a standard configuration to calculate the interest in event of partial release of SD, Can you please help to me know the standard configuration.
As per our business requirement, we need to calculate interest on SD "automatically" when partial release is performed.
2015 Aug 25 5:47 PM
Just to clarify a few points.
FPINTM2 is designed to calculate interest on any deposits that we hold, this will work on partially released deposits as well.
We schedule FPINTM2 in simulation mode monthly once to derive all the deposit interests we have to pay the customers and use it for reporting purposes. We do run the FPINTM2 t.code in non-simulation mode yearly once to pay interest for all the security deposits that we hold.
However we have set the configuration in invoicing for final bills to release the deposit and post deposit interest. SPRO->SAP Utilities->Invoicing->Invoice processing->Define control for additional invoice processing. Here you configure R43 and set the flag for interest cash deposit.
If you want to post interest during the release of Security Deposit then you have to develop some custom code in FICA event 0870. You can you the function module FKK_INTEREST_ON_CASH_DEPOSIT to determine the interest amount.
2015 Aug 27 7:19 AM
Hi Yuvaraj,
Below is our requirement.
1. We are calculating interest on Security Deposits on annual basis through FPINTM2.
2. On the events of final move out of customer, we have set the configuration in invoicing for final bills to release the deposit and post deposit interest.
3. To calculate the interest on Security Deposit, when Partial Release is triggered.
I'm not sure how interest on Security Deposit can be calculated when "Partial Release" through transaction FPSEC2 is triggered. I have tried to check events at this point but couldn't find any relevant events.
Please let me know if there is any standard configuration needs to be in place to cater this or else a custom needs to be developed.
2015 Aug 27 3:38 PM
Even 820 is triggered from FPSEC2, which you can customize to calculate the SD interest at the time of partial release.
Event 870 is only triggered when FPRL is executed.
2015 Oct 07 4:37 AM
Hi Yuvaraj,
Below is the configuration I did to calculate interest on security deposit through final invoicing.
To calculate the interest during final biling
SPRO > SAP Utilities > Invoicing > Invoice Processing > Define control for additional invoicing functions > you can tick the box for the appropriate clearing type.
Release the security deposit during final billing
SPRO > SAP Utilities > Invoicing > Invoice Processing > Item selection in Invoicing > Item selection in account maintenance/sub items > select the clearing type and then click on the option item selection for bill print out and active the field TRN and give the main and sub 0020/0010.
I have tested with this configuration but still, interest is not calculated when final invoicing is performed.
Kindly can you please advise if I'm missing any configuration or anything else.