2010 Dec 08 10:33 AM
Hi Experts
I have raised a security deposit request and received payment against it. Interest on the cash security deposit was also calculated and it was also posted to contract account subject to Withholding tax assigned to it.
Now, i want to know from which tables will i be able to access the amount of Security deposit paid by the consumer, the amount of interest calculated on that Secuirty deposit and the amount of withholding tax on that interest?
Thanks in Advance.
2010 Dec 09 1:51 AM
Hi Anwesha,
There are multiple tables where you can access the data releted to security deposits and the interest calculated against them.
Take the document no. from the above tables and go to DFKKOP, you will be able to find the payment amount (if any) against the SD line item in the clearing section.
Table DFKKIAPT will give you the interest information for the security deposit.
Take the interest document no. and go to DFKKOP to find out the With holding tax amount (Field-QBSHB).
Hope it clarifies.