2010 Nov 15 2:50 PM
After Iu2019ve created a security deposit (FPSEC1) and paid it for example with the cash desk. What I understand is that before you can release the security deposit you first have to u201Clocku201D the deposit using FPSEC2. This sets the restriction (DFKKOP-AUGST) to 2.
Is there a way to set this restriction automatically so you donu2019t first have to go back to the FPSEC2 to set the lock. Or with a batch program oru2026u2026
Could you please help me out here??
Thanks a lot,
Lukas Molenaar
2010 Nov 15 3:20 PM
It is not clear what you are looking for. Standard functionality exists as follows: A deposit is created - the payment of the deposit automatically restricts the payment with value '2'. THis prevents the payment from being used to clear other receivables. This restriction is in place until the deposit is released. There is standard release functionality with ISU when the customer moves out, or when the customer has met certain good payment requirements. Those do not require any user interaction. Additionally, user can access the security deposit in change mode (FPSEC2) and release it manually.
After release by any technique, the restriction is removed from the payment document which enables it to clear open recievables OR to be paid back to the customer.
2010 Nov 15 3:36 PM
Hello Bill,
Thanks a lot for your answer.
What your saying the payment of the deposit automatically restricts the payment with value '2'.
That is the problem, in my case the restriction is not set automatically to 2. After payment it is left blank until you have klicked lock in FPSEC2 -> Menu -> Edit -> Lock.
Why can that be?
Thanks a lot,
2010 Nov 16 2:12 PM
I found the problem.
In FQC0 posting area 1010
Main area 0020 subarea 0020 didn't have the restriction key 2 yet.
Thanks a lot away!
Lukas Molenaar