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Security Deposit Clearing

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

In our project we have the requirement that Security Deposit will be posted at contract account level , but payments may come with reference to Contract and even then the payment should clear the SD on priority basis.

In standard I have checked that if payment is posted with reference to contract then SD is not getting cleared as it is posted at contract account level.

Can you pls advise whether this is possible through standard config or enhancement is required for this.


Banasri Mitra


Active Contributor
0 Kudos


I dont think your requirement is possible by standard configuration settings.

However, going thru your post, wht I could gather is that any payment coming will clear the SD line item first.

So in that scenario, make a seperate clearing variant for SD, you can use the main tr for grp characteristic.

Now in the grp rule, plug in a custom FM using clearing rule 8,

In the custom FM, write the logic that, if any payment is coming against the contract and an open SD line item exist at the CA level, then retrieve the contract account for the same and clear the debt at the contract account level.

Hope it helps....



0 Kudos

As far as i understand, you have defined your clearing variant to group items at contract level. Due to this payments are not clearing against SD. What you could do is that you could define your groupings at contract acct level and then give SD the highest priority in the sorting. Then it should clear the SD before clearing anything else

Hope this helps!

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


You can do this through the Clearing Variants configuration.

In your variant for Incoming Payments, in your first Clearing step, specify the Characteristic 003 (Transaction).

Then in the Characteristic Value specify 00200020 qand save.

Then you may specify the subsequent Clearing Steps as you wish.

Let me know if you need more clarification.


Ivor Martin

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


You can do this through the Clearing Variants configuration.

In your variant for Incoming Payments, in your first Clearing step, specify the Characteristic 003 (Transaction).

Then in the Characteristic Value specify 00200020 qand save.

Then you may specify the subsequent Clearing Steps as you wish.

Let me know if you need more clarification.


Ivor Martin