2015 Feb 11 4:19 PM
I want to post a standard F2 billing document from SD to FI-CA instead of FI-A/R. I do not want to create a new invoice in IS-U (via a billing request). This is for non-consumption sales.
I have populated the first two steps under the Integration>Sales and Distribution node in Contract accounts Receivable and Payable.
I am now having difficulty populating the "Source Doc type" field in the IMG's "Derive FI-CA document from SD billing type" step (txn FQC1210).
The system is ECC6, enhancement pack 6 with IS-Utilities.
Convergent invoicing is not switched on.
What is the correct value to insert in the Source Doc type field?
Does Convergent Invoicing have to be involved in order to get values for Source Doc type, or is it not necessary?
Is it necessary to activate any additional Business Functions?
Assistance will be appreciated.
2015 Feb 11 5:08 PM
Hi John.
Go to IMG - Financial Accounting (New) - Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable - Convergent Invoicing - Integration - Sales and Distribution - Define Source Document Types for SD Billing Documents.
Here you need to define the source document types (for example, if youre using Billing type F2, enter F2 to link them) and choose the right document category (VBRK - SD Billing Document).
After doing so, go to FQC1210 and link the FI-CA document type with the Source Document Type. You can use "Simulation" button to test the settings.
Hope it helps.
2015 Feb 11 5:08 PM
Hi John.
Go to IMG - Financial Accounting (New) - Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable - Convergent Invoicing - Integration - Sales and Distribution - Define Source Document Types for SD Billing Documents.
Here you need to define the source document types (for example, if youre using Billing type F2, enter F2 to link them) and choose the right document category (VBRK - SD Billing Document).
After doing so, go to FQC1210 and link the FI-CA document type with the Source Document Type. You can use "Simulation" button to test the settings.
Hope it helps.
2015 Feb 12 7:39 AM
Thank you Marko and Rakesh for your helpful replies.
So apparently I need to get business functions ISU_INV_1, ISU_BI_INV_1 and ISU_CA_1 activated in order to get access to Convergent Invoicing. They are not currently active in my system.
2015 Feb 12 8:16 AM
Hi John,
There are many other customization that you would need to maintain for Convergent Invoicing to work.
Is this in scope for you ??
2015 Feb 12 8:54 AM
My objective is to post SD invoices to the FI-CA sub-ledger. This is so that existing ISU consumption customers can see non-consumption charges such as connection fees on their FI-CA statement (FPL9). However I do not want to combine or merge SD charges with ISU consumption charges on one ISU invoice.
I am hoping that the SD invoice can be posted to FI-CA without going through a FI-CA billing request which would lead to an ISU invoice being generated.
I expect that this requirement will be relatively uncomplicated in comparison to creating a new ISU invoice.
Does the requirement that I have described sound feasible? Please give me your opinion.
2015 Feb 12 10:09 AM
Hi John.
The scenario you described is supported and you can customize the system for working that way.
Check the following topics:
- Define separate document type in FI-CA for such documents (if needed)
- In the "SPRO – Financial Accounting - Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable – Integration – Sales and Distribution" section you need to define several things: source document type, create the link between the document type from SD billing and the document type in FI-CA, check account groups for which you want the postings to be transfered and set the main and sub transactions for that kind of postings.
- In the "SPRO – Financial Accounting - Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable – Integration – General Ledger Accounting" check and if needed set the general ledger accounts, posting keys and documenty type under the Posting Specifications
- Make sure you covered the needed main and sub transactions in tcodes EK01 / EK02.
2015 Feb 12 6:34 AM
Hi John,
This "integration" node is part of Convergent Invoicing customization which I guess you are not trying to achieve.
I would suggest to look into the below threads for more clues.
Hope this helps.