2013 May 15 1:48 AM
ECC6.0- Looking for a way to schedule background jobs, created independently to run depending on the other. Currently there are two t-codes executed at the close of business 5:30PM:
T-code FPVA runs the dunning proposal then t-code FPVB executes the dunning run at 9:00PM
T-code EA20 is executed to run billing at 12:05AM
Invoicing runs at 1:00AM
Printing runs at 2:00AM
Is there a way that these can be scheduled to run depending on the other, ? Currently we use SM36 to schedule background jobs and SM37 to extract the information, but I don't know if ECC6.0 has the capability for this job?
Thanks in advance
2013 May 15 7:35 AM
Hi Valentina,
Scheduling dependent background jobs is possible through SM36/SM37.
Say for instance, currently there are two jobs created one for executing the dunning proposal (FPVA) and dunning activity (FPVB) and they do not have any dependency in b/w them.
Now , if your requirement is to start the dunning activity job as soon as the dunning proposal job is completed, then you can make the second job dependent when you are "releasing" the second job as shown in the following screen.
Click on "After Job" button, and give the name of the job, against which you want to execute it.
Also, check the Start-Status Dependent tick.
This ensures that if the first job is finished successfully, only then it will trigger the second job.
Hope it helps...
2013 May 15 3:40 PM
Hello Amlan,
Thanks for your prompt response, the dunning process (proposal and run) is already executed one after the other, throught FPVA and FPVB. I need a process to combine; the entire dunning process with billing process (invoicing and printing).
I found t-code FKJOXTR (Job container overview) and FPSCHEDULER (Execute mass activity). I dont know if any of these will work for what Im looking for.
2013 May 15 4:06 PM
search the help site and you can find the pages for Job Control - there you will find information on using job commander using the job container concept. That is the only tool provided by SAP for scheduling jobs. You can also look at external scheduling tools, ie Redwood, Maestro, Control-M, etc.
2013 May 16 1:32 AM
Thanks Bill for the recommendation.
I've read plenny of information regarding Controlling jobs with Job Containers/Job Commander on the help site. SAP system has only two types of jobs: Basis Standard jobs and Parallel jobs in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable for mass processing.
I was actually looking for sequence jobs for the Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable for mass processing, but I could not find anything.
I couldn't find anything on t-code FKJOXTR (Job container overview) and FPSCHEDULER (Execute mass activity) either, and I really would like to know if these can work by doing some sort of configuration or development. I forgot to mentioned that I am new in this area and any information will be really appreciate it.
2013 May 16 4:52 PM
FKJOXTR (Job container overview) as fo release 4.61. This application will not be developed further, and it is replaced by "SAP Central Process Scheduling by Redwood".
Is there any configuration documentation available for Report RFKK_MA_SCHEDULER?
2013 May 16 6:55 PM
the statement 'will not be developed any further' means that it is considered stable and has all of the functionality as expected. It does not mean that it cannot be used or will be discontinued. Many customers use Job Commander to schedule their jobs. It has a limitation in that it can only schedule mass activities - so any custom programs or non-mass standard programs cannot be included. Outside of that, setting up a process chain, e.g. Billing, Invoicing, printing, dunning, can be done simply with Job Commander.
As an alternative, you can set up a job schedule using SM36. In that case you would need to use RFKK_MA_SCHEDULE or RFKK_MASS_ACT_PARAMETER, depending on your requirements, to schedule the utilities/FICA mass activities since they cannot be done natively in SM36. In that case you would set up a job to execute each of your mass activities with the defined template parameters. These jobs would then be set up with dependencies.
As another alternative, you can use a 3rd party tool such as Redwood, Maestro, Control M or others.
There is no configuration/documentation of the RFKK* programs outside of what is available at the help site or within the application help. Each of the programs has documentation which can be viewed in SE38.
2013 May 28 11:27 PM
Using t-code FKJOXTR:
1) I have created a job container templates (FPY1-Payment Run, FPVA-Dunning Proposal, FPVB-Dunning Run,EA38-Mass Activity Billing, EA26-Mass Processing:Create Bill, and EZA60-Print Document).
2) process chains ( FPY1-Payment Run, FPVA-Dunning Proposal, FPVB-Dunning)and (EA38-Mass Activity Billing, EA26-Mass Processing:Create Bills EA38-Mass Activity Billing, EA26-Mass Processing:Create Bill).
3) scheduled background jobs
But for some reason is not doing what is suppossed to be doing, what am I doing wrong?
2013 May 30 9:47 PM
After creating the job container templates, process chains and the background jobs in ECC-6.0 using FKJOXTR. I set up billing to run in the background but when I check on the SM37 the job keeps getting canceled. I let it run for a couple of days with no background jobs scheduled and the status on the SM37 is Finish.
Please help!!
2014 Nov 12 5:01 AM
You said:
Many customers use Job Commander to schedule their jobs. It has a limitation in that it can only schedule mass activities - so any custom programs or non-mass standard programs cannot be included
Just to clarify - for people who later stumble upon this thread - it is possible to create chains that run mass activities as well as 'normal' SM36 jobs.
The events 1901 - 1906 (especially 1904 - End of Step) allow you to do this (but a bit of programming is required). We've had a system like this running successfully for years. I'm a big fan of FKJOXTR.
2013 Jun 17 1:50 PM
Kindly check the thread http://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-42287
This might help you in resolving your issue.
Siddharth Khandelwal
2013 Jun 17 3:47 PM
Good morning Siddharth,
I really appreciate your response, I have been looking for a way to schedule background jobs for Dunning and Billing, I will test your suggestion today and let you know. While I am testing do you know of any SAP standard program to schedule Billing?
Thanks Kindly,
2013 Jun 18 6:12 AM
Hi Valentina,
Dunning Program will run as desired and will fulfill your requirements.
For billing, can you please explain what type of billing you are looking for and for which purpose?
2013 Jun 22 8:44 AM
2013 Jun 26 7:34 PM
tested the information you sent me but it did not work, I am testing some other solutions hopefully one of them will work.
thank you so much.
2013 Jun 27 6:00 AM
Hi Valentina,
Please do make me aware of what issues you are facing while executing my procedure.It seems a bit surprising that the standard solution didn't worked. Can you please throw some light on the issues you faced.
Siddharth Khandelwal
2013 Jul 08 10:35 PM
Your document has info about dunning in SD/FI - but we use FI-CA and have a very different dunning process.
2013 Jul 03 8:32 PM
2013 Jul 12 10:05 PM
Hello William,
Prior to your previous post, I had created the job container and the process chain without event 1906. It run but it did not pull any data. Today I run it again with event 1906 included and this is how it went.
1) End user created billing background job and scheduled for 9am.
2) I created job container and chain process and scheduled for 9am.
3) It pulled data but following the wrong times.
Currently the billing run is scheduled by an end-user and it runs at different times through the night. I scheduled mine to complete depending on the other but for some reason it follow the end-user scheduled times and not mine.
I've compared your notes with mine and I followed your recommendations to make sure everything worked as expected.
I have no idea what did i do wrong.
2013 Sep 29 4:19 PM
Hello Valentina,
I have seen your Screen shot and you are using to schedule the job under your ID and as Billing and Invo , Duning is very critical and it should be run under full authoziation with background processing.
Create a job and schedule with after job or also you can create the event for this.When you create the job change then change User name and give it full authozation user.
If you were not supposed to go with any scheduler then i will recommended you create Z program schduler with help you schdule this one by one with dependencies. it's also help to copy the templates and other activity.