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SAP Utility Transactio code EA38

Former Member
0 Kudos

.Hello expert

Actually our customer is using EA38 transaction to perform the parallel billing.

They would automatize this process and run the same flow in background using R/3 standard job.

We suggest to create an R/3 job with three steps in this order with this REPORT associated with the related variant.




The report REAABR00MABI is used in order to modify the portion value.

The problem in this solution is that the portion modified by REAABR00MABI is not taken in account from the others two REPORT.

Seems as 1he portion value entered through step 1 ABAP program isn't getting stored in the identification, or program RFKK_MASS_ACT_PARAMETER which isnt being able to copy the portion value properly.

Any idea about that.

Many Thanks



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

You can use RFKK_MASS_ACT_PARAMETER as part of your job.  Or you can look into

0 Kudos

Hello William.

Many thanks for your reply.

About the RFKK_MASS_ACT_PARAMETER, I'm not sure to have understood your suggestion, but it is already part of my job. It is the second step that is executed and should copies the identification with the associated portion.

But it seems not doing it.

Job Commander is interesting approach but this solution is not suitable to be used by an external scheduler.

Using the standard R/3 job is possible also schedule it using an external scheduler that provides more powerful and flexibility of the standard SM36 and sm37 SAP transactions.

The painful point here is how to manage in background the portion without use the EA38 transaction.

Probably I'm confusing between the difference from MASS and PARALLEL execution.

The report REAABR00MABI is target for PARALLEL instead REAABR00MABI_INST is target for MASS.  Use REAABR00MABI_INST as first step, could make the difference?

I hope to have clarified better my issue.



0 Kudos


I tried to use REAABR00MABI_INST instead of REAABR00MABI but the result is the same. The portion value is not moved in the new value.

Could be a bug in the RFKK_MASS_ACT_PARAMETER report that is not copying correctly all parameters related to the identification?



0 Kudos


those REAABR* programs have nothing to do with EA38.  If you want to use the RFKK_MASS_ACT_PARAMETER, you have 2 options.  1st option would be to have a template version of EA38 with parameters already set.  Then the program will use that template to copy to a new run which is executed.  This does not involve changing any parameters, just copying them from the template to the new one.  2nd option requires you to use event R453 to adjust the parameters in the new run thus allowing you to generate runs with different parameters on a regular basis.



0 Kudos

Hello William,

I suppose you are referring to ISU_BILLING_MASS_PARA_R453 function module.

Looking in the code i have not seen nothing regarding the "portion". I suppose I have to create my own code to manage this. Am I correct?

If I do not run the transaction EA38 but I use the mass run via RFKK_ report. Which part of SAP code will invoke ISU_BILLING_MASS_PARA_R453 function module?

Sorry but I'm still missing the link between the EA38 template and RFKK_ report triggering.

Thanks for your time



0 Kudos


Portion is available in the structure h_addons_abr which is available in event R453.  the sample function for event R453 shows how to get the data.  To your other question - i guess i dont understand what you are trying to do.  If you are using RFKK* then you are using mass activities, which means EA38 for billing.  Any other billing transaction would not be usable for the RFKK* programs.



0 Kudos

Hello William.

Normally using the SAPGUI you can run EA38 to make mass billing.

My objective is to execute the same scenario using an external scheduler triggering the RFKK report.

My difficulties is that I must change the "portion" value before trigger RFKK report, without modify the template via SAPGUI, but make this action also via external scheduler.

So I imagine the flow is something like this:

[R453 change the portion] ----> [RFKK_MASS_ACT_PARAMETER] --->[[RFKK_MA_SCHEDULER]

About R453 I have to create a report in order to run it externally. Am I correct?

Thanks for your time



0 Kudos

Marco -

Please read and check with your development team as far as how to use fqevents.  they are called by the transaction, not by you.



0 Kudos


This is the point pain in my scenario.

I have not to use the transaction but make the mass run via batch using only R/3 standard jobs.

Looking into ISU_SAMPLE_R453 I noticed that exist also FKK_SAMPLE_1701 that manage the portion. Which is the difference ?

