2016 Apr 23 8:34 PM
Hello everyone,,
I am basically MM consultant, and we are to implement SAP for a utilities company.
the plan is:
Phase one: SAP utilities (DM, Billing, FICA and CRM) and FICO.
Phase two: SAP MM and other modules like PM....
My question is: is this valid implementing ISU without MM at the same time and postponing the MM until later (the company will work after phase 1 and then after a while the MM implementation starts).
I thought that MM is essential to have at the begging to at least define the devices for the DM, org structure, integration with FICO and so on.
I really appreciate the support here
2016 Apr 25 4:05 PM
Hello Noor,
I don't think that its a right practice to design the SAP IS-U functionality without taking MM into consideration. I wonder how the SAP IS-U DM specifically would function without its link with MM in place
2016 Apr 25 10:22 PM
Hello Mohammed,
thank you for the answer.. I thought the same, but as I have no experience in ISU, I had to ask.
2016 Apr 26 6:41 AM
Hello Noor,
The standard R/3 modules are base for the SAP IS-U and they have strong integration with each other. Please see the below figure.
2016 Apr 26 11:44 AM
Hello Mohammed,
Thanks again for the reply .... these are the standard modules based on the integration between them.
But would it work to do it on stages? ISU first, and later MM ?
2016 Apr 26 1:58 PM
You will be required to implement some amount of MM due to the tight integration. You might only implement MM for devices, and only at a basic level. Device categories are materials, and so creating one will create a material also. MM logistics (purchasing, inventory, planning etc) might be part of the next phase.
2016 Apr 27 2:25 PM
Thank you william..
if I am to implement MM for one material type, I will have to configure org structure, integration with FICO, inventory (to keep the balance correct)..
Also, if one material type will be created and used, stock GL aacount will get updated from it, so, I have to configure all types ....
I also will have to configure purchasing so track the balance too...
my point is, If I will have to do the above, I might do all MM in phase 2 ......
what do you think