2015 Jan 08 11:51 PM
We have below requirement, I would like to get your thoughts on the solution.
Local company with company code 1000 and corporate company with company code 2000.
1) Local company is responsible for taking orders customer and billing the customer.
2)Company code 2000 fulfills the order for the customer
3) Customer will pay $100 to local company code 1000.
4) Since the service/product is delivered from Company code 2000, Local company code owes 60% of %100 to Corporate Company 2000. At the end company code 1000 will book $40 and Company code 2000 will book $60.
2015 Jan 09 9:47 AM
Hi Raghu.
Have you checked the Revenue distribution functionality of the FI-CA module? Depending on your business needs, it might help you. You can find more info here: Revenue Distribution - SAP Library.
2015 Jan 09 6:10 PM
Hi Marko,
Thank you for response. I reviewed Revenue Distribution and splitting of the revenue is happening only at the time of Payments. However we need to book the revenue during the invoicing time so that Local company code - 1000 can book $40 as revenue and corporate company code - 2000 can book $60.
Our requirement is as soon as invoice for $100 is generated, we need to create Inter company invoice of $60 to Corporate company code.