2013 Feb 22 12:19 AM
Our client is requesting for a report
that would allow them to walk forward the Accounts Receviables GL. The report
should provide the following output for a particular posting period on the
Accounts Receivable GL account.
Opening Balance | Charges | Payments | Ending Balance
Please could you guide us if there is any standard report that could be used
for this purpose.
2013 Feb 22 1:08 AM
Hi Yuvraj,
I am not sure whether you have looked at the transaction FS10n.
It covers most of the output that you have mentioned.
However, the posting period is not in the selection criteria, but the report output is displayed period wise. Also, you can drill down to the debit and the credit columns to check what all documents have been posted.
Hope it helps...
2013 Feb 22 7:53 PM
Hi Amlan,
We had exactly proposed FS10n to the client. The concern with using FS10N is that on the credit side we have reversals and payments that would reduce the A/R balance. We are not posting different document types on the FIGL side. With this said they want to identify specifically payments that reduce the A/R balance for a period. Is there any report that would specifically identify the payments that clear the A/R for a specific time period.
2013 Feb 24 11:57 PM
Hi Yuvi,
I don't think so there is any standard SAP report to cater to your requirement.
You have to develop a custom one for your requirement.
2013 Feb 25 11:08 PM
Hi Yuvi,
Try transaction code FPT7 and it should suffice your requirement.