2015 Jul 31 6:08 AM
Hi Experts,
we need to create clearing variant where it has to clear first Electricity duty proportionately, next it has to clear current bill amount and next it has to clear arrears amount.
But all items clearing proportionately.
Attached document for clearing variant configuration which i have done.
Please advise me.
2015 Jul 31 7:21 AM
Try assigning a Group number in Clearing Step 1, e.g. 001.
Assign the same Group number to both Transactions .
I hope it helps.
2015 Jul 31 9:10 AM
Hi lvor,
Thanks for prompt reply. Maintained Group same for both clearing steps.But all items clearing proportionately.
2015 Aug 03 4:10 AM
From my past experience it helps if you group by Company Code and Contract Account before specifying Transaction code Groupings.
Why don't you try that out, and see if it helps.
2015 Aug 05 4:07 PM
Hi Prasad,
Can you illustrate your requirement through an example like how much is electricity duty, current bill charges etc and then what was the payment amount and how it should clear.
2015 Aug 06 6:28 AM